
Featured image for “Lets Get Real: Talking Communication With Robyn Da Silva”

Lets Get Real: Talking Communication With Robyn Da Silva

March 24, 2017  |  Intended Parents 
Sometimes beginning conversations can be difficult, but the smallest things can be conversation starters. Send your surrogate a picture of what you are doing, even the simplest things like what show you are watching is a way to start a conversation. Send her pictures of what you are eating, maybe…
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Featured image for “Introducing Our Surrogate Guest Blogger: Jessica Green”

Introducing Our Surrogate Guest Blogger: Jessica Green

March 16, 2017  |  Surrogates 
I guess as the first post, this should be more of an introduction than anything else, right? For those who follow CFC, be it intended parents or surrogates, you probably saw a lot of my first journey in 2015-2016 as my parents were VERY public. But for those who are…
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Featured image for “The Secret Language of Infertility”

The Secret Language of Infertility

November 15, 2016  |  Intended Parents 
In this day and age of message boards, Facebook, Twitter and text messages, support can be found just about everywhere! It helps to know what everyone is talking about and more importantly how to communicate. Where To Go For Online Support Online infertility support groups are available as email lists,…
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October 14, 2016  |  Sacred Surrogacy 
by Angie Campeau As mothers, surrogates typically take care of everyone else first. Making sure everyone is fed, happy and not in need of anything. So when we tell them to take a few days to just let us care for them. It can be hard to fathom, and hard to…
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The Magic Moment | Surrogate Support Manager Angie Campeau

October 13, 2016  |  Surrogates 
There is this moment, a moment where time seems to freeze. The moment as a Surrogate gives one last push or slice. The moment where every needle, every fear, every bit of excitement, every roller coaster emotion makes it all worth it. SurrogacyI’ve had the pleasure of attending many births…
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Happy Bump Day!

October 12, 2016  |  Surrogacy in Canada 
Happy Bump Day to our Surrogates and Intended Parents at Canadian Fertility Consulting!…
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