
Featured image for “Meet the Sponsor: Nu Moon Mama”

Meet the Sponsor: Nu Moon Mama

May 22, 2019  |  pregnancy 
Now that our most recent Sacred Surrogacy retreat in Nova Scotia has come and gone, those of us who attended as staff have taken time to reflect on how powerful the experience was. Our retreats are always a time of developing new and meaningful friendships, deep emotional healing, and cultivating…
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Featured image for “Bed Rest: What To Expect”

Bed Rest: What To Expect

July 25, 2018  |  pregnancy 
What is bed rest and why is it recommended? Bed rest during pregnancy is no longer recommended for most conditions. While bed rest increases blood flow to the placenta, there is no evidence that it decreases the risk of premature birth. In the rare situations when bed rest is recommended,…
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