
Featured image for “Carley’s Surrogacy Story”

Carley’s Surrogacy Story

January 22, 2019  |  prenatal testing 
Why do women decide to become surrogates? And how does the process unfold? Canadian Fertility Consulting has started a new series of interviews with our surrogates to share stories from women just like you.  Women who decided to take a leap of faith, change someone’s life forever, and make their…
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Featured image for “Surrogacy Medical Testing: Types and Timelines”

Surrogacy Medical Testing: Types and Timelines

July 25, 2018  |  prenatal testing 
Medical testing plays a pivotal role in the world of surrogacy, ensuring the health and safety of both the surrogate and the intended parents. This comprehensive guide explores the significance of medical testing in surrogacy, delves into various types of medical screenings, and emphasizes the importance of adhering to specific…
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