Last month, Leia Swanberg, the Founder and CEO of Canadian Fertility Consulting, was joined by our Marketing Manager, Breanne Matthews, as they spent a whirlwind of a week in Europe. Together they had a wonderful spring visit across the pond to meet with Intended Parents in France and England.

Their first stop was the Gatwick Airport where they met with some Intended Parents who were on a layover while they were heading home with their new baby. It was so exciting to meet up with them and their baby in person in such an unlikely place! Following their impromptu meeting, they both flew to Paris.
Once in Paris, Leia and Breanne hosted a dinner event for new and current clients. They were thrilled with the turn out and were delighted to meet everyone in person while sharing a wonderful evening among friends.

The next day, Leia and Breanne hosted 12 back-to-back consultations with prospective Intended Parents. It was wonderful to meet with each and everyone of them and to learn their stories. Each Intended Parent had a unique situation that led them to Canadian Fertility Consulting to help them build the family of their dreams. Leia and Breanne found their stories inspiring and were delighted to share how CFC would be able to help them.

On Friday, they took the Eurostar from Paris to London, where they both attended the event, My Surrogacy Options. That night, Leia was honoured to be featured as a guest speaker.

To finish off the trip, they visited with some current clients and their beautiful baby on Saturday, before catching their flight back home to Canada.

Leia and Breanne had an amazing time meeting Intended Parents who are either completely new to surrogacy or those who have completed their surrogacy journeys. They both loved sharing the gift of surrogacy in Canada with those in Europe who have limited options when it comes to alternative family building, and they look forward to doing it all over again in the near future!