Resources for Surrogates
Prenatal, birth and postnatal information for surrogates in Canada.
Pregnancy OverviewSymptoms, week by week, discharge, UTIs, diet, exercise, when to seek medical care, labour.
What to ExpectFetal development, pregnancy week by week, twins, cord blood banking, your body during pregnancy, labour and delivery, birth stories, health and safety, diet and fitness, and more.
Pregnancy Due Date CalculatorIVF due date calculator
The Surrogate Medical ProcessBreaks down the steps into the surrogacy process (medical screening, possible mock cycle, preparing for the embryo transfer, transfer, confirmation of pregnancy, 6 week ultrasound, prenatal care).
Pregnancy & InfluenzaPregnancy women and influenza, flu shots and safety.
Medications to AvoidMedications to be avoided during pregnancy.
Exercise during PregnancyExercise during pregnancy, who should not exercise, what exercises are safe/unsafe, what pregnancy changes may affect pregnancy, exercising postpartum.

Gestational DiabetesGestational diabetes, why it’s important to get tested, routine screening for gestational diabetes, treatment.
Nutrition for SurrogatesList of the best foods to eat during pregnancy and the benefits, staying active, minimizing stress.
Relieving Morning SicknessTen tips for relieving morning sickness, facts about morning sickness, hyperemesis gravidarum.
Healthy eating for gestational diabeticsHealthy eating for women with diabetes, recommended carbohydrate foods, protein foods and fats/oils.
Food Safety & Healthy GuidelinesFood safety recommendations during pregnancy, what to eat/what not to eat, the glycemic Index (what it is), benefits of a low glycemic index diet, meal planning ideas.

What is a Doula?What a doula is, support for birth and postpartum, questions to ask a doula.
The Evidence for DoulasWhat doulas do, what is not included in doula support, evidenced based doula care, how having a doula present differs from having a nurse, partner, midwife, OB present, how to find a doula.
Doulas Benefits in SurrogacyFour reasons doulas are beneficial to surrogacy, scope of doula care (what doulas do/do not do), cost of doulas, how to find a doula.
Doulas in SurrogacyWhat a doula does and why you want one, what a doula does: for surrogates and for IPs, deciding if a doula is right for you.

Mental Health
Anxiety in AdultsOverview of anxiety in adults, anxiety in the workplace, anxiety at home, anxiety in pregnancy, anxiety in postpartum, common anxiety disorders in adults.
Mental Health during PregnancyMental health changes, stress: signs, symptoms and learning how to cope, depression and anxiety, emotions in pregnancy, symptoms, self-care tips, tips & tricks to cope.
Pregnancy & MedicationPregnancy and medication, safety of medications, medications and treatment options, to medicate or not medicate.

Chiropractic Care & Massage
Benefits of Chiropractic & Prenatal MassageBenefits of chiropractic care and massage during pregnancy.
Is seeing a chiropractor safe during pregnancy?Safety of chiropractic care during pregnancy, when not to get chiropractic care, benefits of care during pregnancy (pregnant person and baby).
Benefits of Postpartum MassagePostpartum massages, benefits of receiving postpartum massages, uterine massages, how to prepare, zcupressure, reflexology, myofascial release, craniosacral therapy.

Labour & Birth
Choosing an Obgyn or a MidwifeDifferences between OBGYN and Midwife, choosing your health care provider, finding possible candidates, what to keep in mind when choosing care, what questions to ask potential HCP.
Womens Health: Labour & BirthSpotting signs of labour, false labour, stages of labour, managing labour pains, inducing labour, cesarean birth.
Evidence Based Birth PodcastOverview of pain management in labour, the evidence on birthing positions, pros and cons of membrane sweeping, sterile water injections, how accurate are due dates, pushing through anxiety in birth, fetal monitoring.
Pain ManagementPain management during labour, epidurals, positions during labour and their effects on pain relief, using a doula for pain relief, TENS machine, hypnosis during labour, acupuncture/acupressure/massage, use of water during labour.

Postpartum CareWhat ‘postpartum’ is, baby blues vs. postpartum, when to seek medical advice, coping with body changes, engorgement, pelvic floor health.
Self-care ChecklistSelf-care checklist to refresh yourself, how to honour your emotions.
Surrogacy Postpartum RecoveryBlog post: what postpartum recovery is really like for a surrogate.
Surrogacy & Postpartum DepressionDealing with depression, postpartum depression recovery.
Surrogacy RetreatsSurrogacy retreats: what they entail, why you should attend, finding a community of other surrogates.