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Meet Kristin & Shai

Location: Ohio, US

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Hey there! If you’ve landed on this page, you’re already pretty amazing. You’re contemplating a generous act that could help us complete our family. We’re Kristin (32 years old) and Shai (33 years old), proud parents to a amazing daughter named Melina (born July 1st, 2023). If you’re wondering about the name, it means ‘honey’ in Greek—a sweet name for an even sweeter girl. Our family is rounded out by two huge dogs, Chaski and Raya, and two cuddly cats, Ayla and Hermione.

We met over six years ago in Washington, DC. Both of us were in grad school—Kristin was learning about human rights, and Shai was knee-deep in economic data sets. Amid lectures, papers, and exams, we swiped right into each other’s lives (thanks, modern technology!), and quickly discovering shared insatiable wanderlust, a love for art and music, and an obsession with pets. Within eight months, we were sharing a 1-bedroom apartment that was full of art, food, and love. Why wait when you know it’s right?

So what are we like? We’re adventurous, a touch sarcastic, and very down-to-earth. If Shai were to describe Kristin, he’d say she’s funny and caring. She has this knack for lighting up a room and making the mundane feel magical. Kristin thinks Shai is steadfast and kind. He’s the rock in our relationship and has an incredible ability to make everyone around him feel at ease.

Kristin has merged her background in human rights with her passion for travel, and Shai continues to geek out over numbers as a data scientist. Our roles as parents, however, eclipse all other titles. We’re determined to nurture our children in an atmosphere brimming with love, and not just the cozy, comfortable love, but the kind that challenges and grows. Our promise to our children is to meet them where they are, cherishing their unique spirits, and not squeezing them into preconceived molds. If there’s one golden nugget of wisdom we’re bent on passing down, it’s kindness. In a world bursting with diversity, the ability to extend grace, embrace differences, and offer friendship is as precious as gold.

Beyond our day jobs, Kristin isn’t just crafty with travel itineraries; she can also turn a lump of clay into a masterpiece. As for Shai, he’s proof that data scientists can be cool; he’s a woodworking whiz and can strum out Bach on the cello like nobody’s business. We also love to foster animals – to date we have fostered over 30 dogs and cats, including newborn puppies and momma cats who we helped to deliver their kittens. We love to help the animals thrive, and instilling in Melina a growing compassion for our furry friends.

Family is the cornerstone of our life. Kristin’s parents are regular guests, her brother and partner are the fun aunt and uncle living a few blocks away, while video chats keep us close to distant family members. We both grew up with siblings close in age and cherish the memories of having a built-in best friend to navigate the twists and turns of childhood. We’re talking about the secret handshakes, inside jokes, and the unwavering support that only a sibling can offer. This experience is something we’re eager to give to Melina and her future sibling. We jumped back into this process soon after Melina’s birth because the vision of them building forts together, whispering secrets, and embarking on backyard adventures just warms our hearts to the core.

Kristin’s sister also has a daughter who is just a smidgen older than Melina, and they’re trying for another one. We’re starry-eyed at the thought of family gatherings buzzing with the laughter and energy of close-in-age cousins, creating bonds and memories to last a lifetime.

And let’s talk about friends—they say it takes a village, and we’ve got a metropolis! We have a close-knit group of pals in Columbus, including friends Kristin has shared crayons with since preschool. Our buddies are also embarking on their parenting journeys, and we are giddy at the thought of our kids growing up in a tribe of love, support, and endless playdates. Our support system extends around the globe with close friends and family in Toronto, Seoul, and many places in between.

Our journey to becoming parents wasn’t a walk in the park. We tried the natural way for about a year, experiencing nothing but a chemical pregnancy. We were a bit baffled, diagnosed with unexplained infertility. Medicated cycles didn’t give us the joyous news we hoped for. We were planning to venture into IVF when we discovered Kristin has a blood clotting disorder, making pregnancy risky for her and unlikely to result in a live birth. This discovery, while crushing, did not dim our hopes. We weighed our options and decided to embark on the surrogacy journey. IVF egg retrieval was risky but worth it to us. Four PGS tested embryos came out of this process, and thanks to an incredible woman, our first surrogate, Melina came into our world, filling our lives with laughter and joy. Our first surrogate is unavailable for a repeat journey as she’s off on her own new adventure so, here we are, searching for another incredible woman to bring Melina’s future sibling into the world.

We are looking for someone genuine and kind, with whom we can build a real connection. We have 3 PGS tested embryos at Create clinic in Toronto, eagerly waiting for the next chapter, just like us. Proximity to Toronto would be a logistical dream, but we’re not calling it a deal-breaker. We desire a lasting bond with our next surrogate, envisioning a future where our child knows the incredible woman who helped bring them into this world.

If you think you might be the right match, we’re eager to get to know you! Thank you for considering us and for the possibility of making our dream a reality.

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CFC IP Listing Match