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Meet Yang & Christian

Location: Lohmar, Germany

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Hey! This is a short intro about us. We are going to tell you who we are in each other’s eyes. But already now, we need to warn you: love blinds people, so no guarantee of objectivity

Chris is the person, for whom I left China 17 years ago to be together with. I met him on an online dating website. At the beginning, it was his handsome appearance attracted me. The more we talked with each other, the better I get to know this very sincere, humorous, and generous person, even we still cannot agree on who texted whom first. In March 2006, we finally saw each other in person for the first time. On the last day of that 2 weeks stay, he proposed without flower, candle, music or whatsoever, but simply looking into my eyes and say, “will you marry me?” That was powerful enough to melt me down and I answered “yes” without a second of hesitation. 6 months later, we lived together until now.

In these 17 years, I had the chance to know the character of a Virgo and how “incompatible” to Capricornus is. As a perfectionist, everything Chris does must be perfect in the smallest detail. I guess, everyone knows what a critical test for the relationship is when people renovate a house. Before we finalised the design, Chris and I had thousands of discussions, sometimes explosive ones, to archive agreements. It is Chris’ magic power of making me laugh avoided escalation. Now, our house becomes the best showcase of who we are and how we supplement each other.

This magic power of Chris comes from the fact that deep inside of him, he remains a big boy. Not only because he likes to collect Legos, Carrera racing cars, or video games, but also his sincerity to others. When he wants to be nice to you, its without condition. If he does not like something or someone, he will speak out without reservation, too. You always know where you are.

Yang is the guy that lights up every room just by entering it and showing his great smile. People and especially children tend to adore him reasonless. He gives this great feeling of kindness and open heart with a simple look. That is why one of our best friends once said, your place has the magic to let people feel like home at the first moment.

Yang has a strong character which leads him to being very disciplined and focused on his life goals, e.g., doing sports every day, working efficiently. At those lazy weekends where I would rather stay in bed the entire day, he had already found the next recipe and worked on the greatest cake he ever made for afternoon coffee with our guests.

We think the stories above giving you pretty much a good thought about us. But the best way to know us is to get us connected. We are also keen to know you – the big helper for our journey.

Chris & Yang,

Letter to our future baby:

Our beloved little one,

Your dad and I have been waiting for you for a very, very long time. Not just us, but the whole family is eagerly anticipating your arrival after this special journey. Fortunately, we have had the support of many wonderful people along the way, without whom we wouldn’t be able to hold you in our arms.

I imagine one day you may ask me or your dad why your friends have a dad and mom, but you have two dads. Nature requires a female and a male person to make a baby. They love each other and then create the baby. Your dad and I love each other too, but we are both males. Therefore, we needed a female person to help us make a baby and bring you into the world.

First, we received help from Alissa, whose features you may recognize when you look in the mirror. She donated the other half of your genes. Dr. Librach from the cReAte clinic and his team combined her genes and mine to create you.

However, to bring you into the world, we needed further assistance from your surrogate mother. Therefore, Dr. Librach implanted you in her body. You stayed there for a long time to grow. She gave you everything you needed to grow from a tiny one into a baby. During the pregnancy, she told your dad and me about your first heartbeat, your first move, your first kick, and other things she felt while having you inside her belly. She helped us to know how you were doing—whether you were happy and made her day or were grumpy and gave her a tough time. No matter what, she always took great care of you for us.

With each passing day, your dad and I grew more and more eager to meet you. Eventually, on your birthday, we were able to hold you in our arms for the first time. That moment made us forget all the waiting, the efforts, the frustrations, and the struggles. That was the moment we felt proud of everything we had done to have you in this family!

Now you are here with us, your sweet home. We do not know what your future will be or who you will become. This does not matter, though. Your dad and I promise to give you all the love you need at any time. The only thing we want you, our little one, to remember is the love—endless and generous love. It is love that created and brought you into this world. It is the love of all the wonderful people who were part of this journey before your birth. Therefore, our little one, use and live the love to do good things. We are always behind you.

Your loving Dad and Baba

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