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Meet Kelsey & Ajinkya

Location: Saskatoon, SK

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A Letter To our Future Surrogate
A Letter To Our Future Baby

We are Ajinkya and Kelsey,

and we are excited to share our journey with you as we look forward to becoming parents. We hope this letter gives you a glimpse into our lives, our values, and what makes us passionate about starting a family.

As a gay couple, we knew starting a family would look a little different. We fell in love with the idea of surrogacy, it gives us the ability to have a genetic connection but more importantly it gives us the opportunity to build a relationship with the surrogate and be a part of our child life right from the beginning.

We can’t even begin to share how excited we are to one day be parents. We know we are on this journey with the right person, and we will always strive to be the most loving and supportive parents.

Ajinkya is a natural caregiver who is always striving to create a warm and welcoming home. He is incredibly kind and considerate, the social glue that keeps our wide circle of friends and family connected. His love language is food, and he constantly experiments in the kitchen to feed those he loves. We know he will ensure our future children are well-loved, well-nourished, and constantly hugged.

Kelsey is the best uncle I have ever seen, adored by our nieces with a relationship marked by trust, and a lot of love. He is playful and patient, and when needed, a wise role model. Along with all of his talents—piano, ballroom dancing, Japanese language skills, skating, and skiing— I know he will be invaluable as a father as well.

We can’t wait to share the many traditions we have, from holiday meals to making dumplings on New Year’s Eve. Summers at the family cabin, seasonal hikes, and cooking together, including homemade miso and preserves from our garden. We already can picture our little family excited about all these activities.

Our ideal surrogate is warm, kind, and caring, with a loving support system. We hope to build a relationship full of trust and friendship with you, participating in appointments, maintaining regular contact, and being your number one cheerleader. We would love for you to become a friend and special auntie to our child, adding you as a part of our family.

Supporting you means respecting your boundaries, being present during the journey, and regularly checking in to ensure your comfort and needs are met. We hope to maintain a relationship with you after, but respecting your wishes regardless. Our gratitude and well-wishes will always be extended to you.

When we first hold our baby, we imagine it will be a gush of many emotions at once. First would be incredible love and awe that something so precious has arrived. Next would be overwhelming gratitude toward our surrogate and her family for the gift of life. This is probably where we’d start crying. Next would be “This is real now. Are we ready?” that seems to be a normal reaction to becoming a parent. Then we’d look at each other and know that we have each other and that we’d do anything for this baby. We’d cry some more. We should probably be prepared with a lot of tissues that day.

If our future surrogate is reading this… Thank you. You have given us the most precious gift—the gift of parenthood. We will carry this debt happily all our lives.

We hope this is where our story begins, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Ajinkya and Kelsey

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