Meet Our Intended Parents

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Meet Matthew & William

Location: Arkansas, United States

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William was born in the Fujian province of China. Growing up, he lived mostly with his grandmother while his mother worked in the city to make enough money to support them. William never met his father, who left shortly after he was born. While he grew up fairly poor, William still had a lot of fun times like his grandmother teaching him how to craft a fishing pole and fish and running around with his five cousins along the southern coast of China.

When William was 12, his mom remarried to his step-dad, Phillip, who was in the U.S. Army. Philip took him under his wing and treated him like his own. But this part of his life was hard. Shortly after marrying, they moved to Hawaii in the U.S. William did not know English yet and it was difficult being put into English speaking classes with other 6th graders. But after about a year, he had learned enough English to begin to communicate better with his classmates and even made some good friends. He also started participating in team sports such as baseball. After a couple of years, his father got transferred to an Army base in Arkansas and the family moved again. While William was in high school, he continued to learn better English and played high school sports including cross country track and lacrosse.

After high school, William went to college and changed majors a few times before he settled on Mathematics with a minor in secondary education. After a brief stint as a high school math teacher, William now works in invoicing and bookkeeping for a local company in Little Rock, Arkansas. William is also working on his master’s degree in Applied Statistics.

Matthew was born and raised in Arkansas. He grew up in a very rural area of eastern Arkansas near the Mississippi River. He has an older brother and sister who are twins. His mother worked as a teacher’s aid at a nearby school and was a school bus driver. His father was a truck driver. Matthew grew up with a love for nature and exploring, something he still fosters in adulthood.

Matthew has always excelled at school and participated in the band playing saxophone. After high school, he went to college and double majored in History and Political Science. After college he taught for several years as a high school social studies teacher. He eventually realized that education was not what he wanted to do for the rest of his life and enrolled part time in night school to earn a law degree. After four years of working full-time as a teacher and going to law school at night, he earned a Juris Doctorate. He is now a practicing attorney in Little Rock focusing on criminal defense and personal injury.

Around 2015, both Matthew and William were on the dating scene trying to find love the way most people do nowadays – dating apps. After a lot of failure, we connected on an app and started chatting. Matthew has always been shy and an introvert, but the connection he had with William was almost instantaneous. Within a couple of days, we were talking on the telephone and over Skype for several hours a day. It didn’t take long before they knew that what they had was something special and wanted it to last forever.

After around a year of dating, we married in June of 2016 in a small ceremony with close friends and family. Since then, we have had a strong relationship with the occasional bumps in the road that all new marriages face. Through good communication and understanding we were able grow as a couple and become more stable. From the beginning, we knew that we wanted to have children, but we also knew that we had a reach a certain level of stability before took that next step. When we first got married, Matthew was still in law school and William was still working on his undergraduate degree. Having a baby is a very big responsibility and we knew that we needed to be in a good and stable place before we took that next step. Now that we are both established in our careers, we know that the time is right.

We also have a great support system for our child. We have a lot of family nearby including Matthew’s mother and his sister and her husband. They have three kids of their own that are very excited at the prospect of having a new cousin. William’s parents live in Virginia now but are really looking forward to being first time grandparents. We plan on visiting them and vice versa many times throughout each year.

We can barely wait to begin being parents to our child. Matthew is a big reader and participates in local theater productions. He is so excited to get to share his passion for stories with our son or daughter. William loves to be active and play games so looks forward to playing with our child. We have waited a long time for this and have so much love to give. Having the chance to have a child of our own is like a dream come true.

We think the most important part of being a parent is providing the child with endless love and protection. We realize that we live in a very conservative area of the United States. That has led to a lot of worrying political changes in the last few years, especially for the rights of women. We want you to know that we do not agree with these attacks on women’s rights and that if we were to have a daughter, we would do everything we can to protect her and ensure her equal access to healthcare and anything else she needs to thrive. If that requires that we one day have to relocate to a more free and open area of the country, then we are prepared to do that as well.

We know that being a surrogate is such a big sacrifice for people you have never met before. We can’t even begin to express the gratitude that we have for you in being willing to carry our child for us. I hope that through this process we become very close friends and that our friendship will continue to last well beyond the birth of our child. We thank you for taking the time to read our bio and I hope that we get a chance to meet and talk very soon.

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