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Meet Wayne

Location: New York, United States

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I am a single gay man from Australia now living in New York, working in the nonprofit industry doing work to deal with ethical leadership and social change. I have always been driven and pushed myself to get through some of life’s obstacles to be a thoughtful, kind, funny human. I have wonderful friends around the world (my best friend’s name is Cookie) and have a very supportive family. And the one greatest dream has always been to be a dad.

I remember when I was looking at potential egg donors and I came across a picture of this young woman who was sitting on top of a washing machine smiling and giggling. When I saw that photo I knew she was the one. There was something fun, carefree, joyful and endearing in that photo. I also had the opportunity to find out more about her and that she had a very close relationship to her grandmother. This is similar to me. My granny was an incredible woman who I am certain is watching from above waiting to see my journey continue to becoming a father. My gran also shared these important lessons with me;

1. Always be kind to people

2. Always eat cake (enjoy life) and lastly,

3. Love. Love with all your being.

I am lucky to be surrounded by incredible friends and family who have children, including my best friend and his husband who recently (Oct 2023) had a baby through a wonderful surrogate! Spending time with them and holding their son, I know this is absolutely the journey I want to take.

I am social, honest, good at communicating, affectionate and happy. I go to the gym regularly and enjoy swimming and cycling. I like to go to the movies and eat fistfuls of popcorn. I love going out to eat meals with friends, and when I find a good restaurant, I go often and usually order the same meal.

I absolutely LOVE milkshakes and my go to flavour is peanut butter or chocolate. What is yours? This could be an important part of our surrogacy journey together as when you’re pregnant, you may want ice cream or milkshakes and I should know what flavour to send you!!

I have a lot of love to give and I am thrilled to do this journey in Canada as I love Canadians. I keep dreaming of the day I am with my surrogate and for the first time, I get to hold my child! And this will all be because of you!

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CFC IP Listing Match