Meet Our Intended Parents

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Meet Francis & Vincent

Location: Montreal, QB

Francis and Vincent are working with McGill fertility in Quebec. They currently do not have any children but have 4 embryos ready to go. They are hoping to be able to make the decision about termination on their own.

Hello – Thank you for taking the time to read this brief letter and consider to help us achieve our biggest dream. We have no idea how these few words could possibly do justice to our enthusiasm regarding the surrogacy journey we will embark on.

However, if we do get the chance to meet in person (or via Skype) we believe the positive energy we have as a couple may transpire. We believe this very energy will define the type of parents we will be.

We are a dynamic open minded and caring couple. We love to travel, discover new cultures, laugh, dance, cook, joke, work hard (though prefer to travel), spend simple quality time with family…We enjoy life and cherish every moment and we plan to do all of the above with our child.
We believe that we would be happy parents because of the values that both of our families instilled upon us. The most important of which are respect of others and self, honesty, compassion, family spirit and kindness. We have the intention of recreating the same type of environment we grew up in. Some of our fondest childhood memories are those with our many cousins.

Our nieces Charlotte, Chloe and Lea as well as our nephews Victor, Nicolas and Louis mean the world to us and we have very much enjoyed contributing to raising them. Being involved in their growing up has giving us the opportunity to realize all the challenges and joys that we will face as parents. All our family members are convinced we would be great parents as they have seen us shine in their presence.

Our job as parents will be to transmit the above values to our little one. Most importantly let there be joy, happiness and lots laughter.

Sending much love !

Vincent & Francis

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CFC IP Listing Match