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Meet David

Location: Montreal, QB

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To my future surrogate,

I want to thank you for considering giving me this gift, and through this letter give you the opportunity to know more about my journey. I was born in South of France in Cannes. I grew up over there in a family with one brother and one sister. We have always been really close to each other, and we have got very lucky to have dedicated parents to raise us with good family values and as catholic. Both my dad and mom have a lot of sisters and brothers, and they have got a lot of kids. I have over 45 cousins, and we used to spend all our summers together at my grand mother`s house. As the first born of the eldest of the family (both my mom and dad), I am one of the older of the cousins. Very young our parents have relied on us to take care of the new baby cousins. So around 10 y.o., I was taking care of my cousins, changing them, feeding them, … I knew very young that I wanted to get married and have a family (I was targeting 6 to 8 kids at the time). Unfortunately God has had other plans with me. I realized when I was 18 that I was attracted to man. For many years I have repressed those desires, until when I was 24. At this moment in my life I decided that I had to embrace who I was, and start dating man. But since gays are not very well accepted in France (the wedding came very late, and even then it is not very tolerated), I decided to leave my country. Even as being gay, I didn’t want to give up on having a family, so I choose to immigrate in a place that would be very integrating and where I knew that for the sake of the growth of my kids they would be able to be in an environment that would not make them bullied because of their dads. Therefore I moved in Montreal in 2009. I have created a very strong friend circle around me (we all have known each other for over 10 years now), I managed to accept myself as who I was, and have a couple of very meaningful relationships sentimental wise. Eventually few years ago I broke the news to my family. It has been very hard at first with my parents, but they all decided that the love of their son was more important than what they had been taught all their life. We have been in a place now where we strengthened our relationship between them and my brother and sister. My sister got married almost 15 years ago, and has two kids (Tom and Sarah), who I am very close to. My brother will get married next summer. I am currently single myself.

Last year, a very bad news happened to us, our dad got detected with a brain tumor. He went into surgery in May 2021, and they removed a tumor of a size of a lemon in his head. He went into intensive radiotherapy for 3 months after that. Thankfully we avoided the worse. The surgery and his recovery went very well, and although a bit diminished he is doing very good, and has been back to hike with me. But this has been an awakening moment for me. I had always considered that I would get married and then have kids, and that age wouldn’t be much of a problem. I had highly underestimated that my parents were getting older, and how I absolutely wanted them to be part of my kids life. So I came to a realization that if many women were raising kids on their own, here would be no reason why I couldn’t do the same. So my decision was made that I would become a single dad. I entered in this surrogacy process early 2022, and I am more ready than ever to become a father. My egg donor has been fantastic and we already have conceived the embryos. I am now looking to meet a woman that would be eager to share this journey with me and help me realize a life`s dream.

Professional wise, I had done an engineering school back in France. I specialized in civil engineering and have been running construction projects all over the world (China, Morocco, Argentina, and all across Canada and the United States). The many projects I have been on are tunnels, ports, bridges and highway. I just completed 3 years in Virginia where I was the construction manager on the Hampton Road Bridge Tunnel project. I have recently settled in Chicago, where I have a strong affinity with this city, and a lot of friends there as well. My next mission here will be to work on the extension of the red line subway.

On a more personal level, I like to stay very active. I have been engaged in many humanitarian mission over the years (build and develop a rehabilitation center for handicaped people in Mendoza – Argentina, manage a yearly bike relay challenge of a 600miles across France to collect money for the handicaped children, run the humanitarian association of my student school). I am also passionate with acting : I have been playing in multiple theatre plays when I was in France and I shot short movies in Montreal. I also like to do a lot of sport : on a day to day basis I alternate between running, biking, swimming and going to the gym. I am also a very good skier, and I enjoy hiking in some of the most beautiful spots (I grew up in the Alps). I used to do championship in swimming and skiing. Finally, my last very big passion is travelling. I am fascinated with the different populations on our planet, and I like to immerse and learn about their history, culture and customs. I firmly intend to pass this on to my future childs. I have a tendency to learn language easily (I learn to speak efficiently mandarin in 3 months). I have been backpacking in most Asian countries (China, Japon, Tibet, Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Thailand, India), but also in Australia, Morocco, Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica. I am proud to have a passport with a lot of stamps 😊

I hope that we will have the opportunity to meet very soon. As I mentioned I am very motivated to start this process, and I am ready to be present every step of the way until we conceive this child.

I am looking forward to this adventure. All my warmest regards.

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