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Meet Barry & Shane

Location: New South Wales, Australia

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We are Barry, Shane and our 5 year old son Luke. Myself and Shane have been together for over 14 years and married almost 8 years. We’re a match made in heaven. One is a dreamer and the other a realist, we keep each other balanced and really enjoy life. We met in Ireland on a night out in Dublin in what feels like 100 years ago, and about 3 years into our relationship we decided to move to Sydney, Australia. We fell in love with Sydney and the lives we had created and so year after year we found ourselves still here. Not long after we got married we spoke about having kids from time to time and finally made the decision to go ahead and do it.

In Australia they also have altruistic surrogacy too, we met our 1st surrogate on a facebook group for Surrogates and IPs in Australia. We all hit it off straight away and we had our 1st transfer a few months in – we were successful 1st time and we were so crazy excited. I’m sure you know what happened over the next 9 months haha but on June 9th 2018 we welcomed Luke into the world and our lives were never the same again!

Luke is our world and we do everything and go everywhere as a family. He’s such an easy going child and very social. Although he is 5 and can really test those boundaries!

We were nervous as 1st time parents but soon into it we all found our feet and it all just came naturally.

It’s easy to forget how difficult it is at the time when babies get a bit older but we’re so ready for those sleepless nights again and all those nappies.

This time round we have another little helper. Luke is always asking for a bigger family. Sometimes he even says a baby but it’s usually that he just wants a brother and maybe a sister.

We imagine having another baby in the house already and what their room would look like and maybe share a room with Luke when they are older. We really want them to have each other in this crazy thing called life.

Both Hsane and myself have a few brothers and sisters and we’re all so close and really wish that for Luke too.

Having a child just gives you a whole new outlook on life and it’s amazing seeing the world through their eyes.

In our free time we typically go to the beach, Sydney has some of the best in the world. We all love to swim and kick a ball around.

Not to sound too active, we also love sitting on the couch and binge watchingTV shows and movie marathons.

Having a surrogate that we can have an open and really organic relationship with would be great. We’re pretty chilled people too. If that relation could continue after birth too, even better. We would be happy to keep sharing pics and updates as the baby grows up. We would like them to know who helped bring them into the world.

Hopefully this gives you a good idea of us and you will want to help us in our quest for Luke to get his little brother or sister and us to have another bundle of joy. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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CFC IP Listing Match