Meet Our Intended Parents

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Meet Keith & Abraham

Location: California, United States

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First, thank you so much for reading our profile!!!

Let us introduce ourselves.

Meet Abe! Though he was born in the states, he spent most of his childhood in South Korea. So coming back to the states as a teenager was a bit of culture shock. Nonetheless, he was able to maneuver these awkward teenage years and became successful in his own right as a game artist. He is a big kid at heart. He is a collector, a kind, gentle soul, and an artist. Abe would be a great father in listening to our future children’s stories, diving into that world of imagination freely. But also, he’ll be able to tackle the hard conversations when they are teenagers and guide them in the right direction.

Meet Keith! He grew up in the beautiful Sonoma Valley, 45 minutes north of San Francisco, California. He currently works as a Registered Nurse and truly enjoys what he does. In his early years, he worked closely with at-risk youth and always wanted to make a difference in someone’s life. This loving spirit translated well into his career as a nurse. Though nursing is definitely a high stress job, especially the unit he works in, he finds a lot of gratification and meaning in helping others and giving his all to save someone’s life. He naturally has a very outgoing personality and loves children. You can always hear the laughter of children and people in general when Keith is around. He definitely will be the “fun dad” if I can say so myself. His hobbies include anything outdoors and traveling. Before Covid he can be found running, biking, doing yoga or EATING…. In fact, both Abe and Keith LOVE FOOD, trying new flavors and enjoying the experience of being in new places and trying the local cuisine.

Abe and Keith have been together for over 5 years, and we both have set a solid foundation to starting a family. We had no idea this was a possibility, especially being a same sex couple with the adversaries we already go through on a daily basis. Our friend knew how important it was for us to have children, so he introduced us through this rabbit hole and now we find ourselves in wonderland, pushing forward to make our dreams come true.

We hold our integrity to the highest standards and we do our best to be as genuine and transparent in our intentions. We would love our children unconditionally, and be able to put their needs first over our own interests. We imagine being up at night reading lots and lots of stories…. and watching our children grow to be their own person. We have an abundant amount of love to give, so we feel blessed and thankful that we have an opportunity to be able to start a family through surrogacy.

As far as our relationship with the surrogate, we are very easy to get along with. We are flexible to work around the surrogate’s needs. We love telling stories and connecting with the surrogate on a personal level. We are looking for someone whom we can have fun times with but also someone who is not afraid to have the hard conversations in a nonjudgmental and trusting environment. With our first surrogate, we casually check in with each other via text almost daily—mostly sending goofy memes and photos. But on a weekly basis we have a zoom call to tell jokes in (virtual) person or to cover any important topics.

It’s difficult to convey everything we want to express, so please watch our video, and come on a journey with us. Thank you so much for taking the time to read our profile, and hopefully our paths will cross.

Letter from surrogate:

I matched with Abe and Keith through CFC early 2021 and had the pleasure of carrying their first daughter, Caelum. We had a beautiful journey together and I cherish every moment I spent getting to know them – I unfortunately cannot carry this time but I’ll hopefully pass the torch to someone who will hold it extra lovingly

From day one the importance of strong communication and having a safe and supportive relationship was expressed -a relationship that has always been based on transparency- as long as everyone is honest and respectful, we can push through – with Abe and Keith these values aren’t hard to stand by

I can say with confidence, I have always felt secure, both before, and after pregnancy as they have kept me close and involved in their family life

I can truly not say enough good things about Abe and Keith – they are incredible friends and parenthood shines through them like they were born for it – but with risk of rambling on, I just hope the woman reading this gets to experience their friendship for herself

With love – Tamara

Interested in Matching with Keith & Abraham?

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CFC IP Listing Match