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Meet Johan & Maxime

Location: La Croix-Rousse

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Hello, my name is Maxime. I will be 30 years old in a few days and in life I am a sports coach.

I love my job because once past the simple physical or superficial side, I really accompany my clients to accept themselves and to feel better in their bodies, and that’s where we feel really useful; this feeling of having participated to cross this stage in their lives.

You will have understood, human contact is central in my professional life and hyper important in my personal life balance. Very close to my family and especially to my little sister, I like to spend time surrounded by my loved ones.

My friends also occupy a good part of my life: shared meals, vacations together, or simply endless phone calls.

Due to my job I am also very athletic, I like to train to feel good in my body but also in my head. It’s like a routine in my daily life. Whether it’s weight training at the gym or hiking in the mountains.

Hello, my name is Johan, I am 36 years old and still in great shape!

In life, I work as a lawyer.

It’s not the most fun job, because every day, I meet clients who tell me all their problems…. It must be said that you don’t meet your lawyer to talk about the rain and the sun.

In their eyes, I am their last hope to find a solution.

It is therefore an immense responsibility that weighs on my shoulders, because the stakes are sometimes very high.

However, it is an exciting job because people are particularly grateful for the work I do to help them, and I get great satisfaction when I win cases.

After my busy days, I like to spend time with Maxime, who I call “my little doll” 😂 and who is the love of my life (he doesn’t like the nickname too much, but that’s okay, I think it’s cute).

We met in January 2015, at the gym where Maxime was working.

Love at first sight was immediate.

We quickly moved in together (within weeks of our first meeting).

Since almost 7 years, we became fusional and inseparable ❤️.

We have common hobbies:

Going on vacation most of the time, discovering the world.
Dining out with our friends.
Cooking together (for us or for our friends).
Decorating (for 3 years we have been working on the plans of our future apartment).
Although our love is unconditional and unalterable, for the last three years we have had the desire to become dads.

Around us, many of our relatives have given birth to children.

Johan’s sister gave birth to three wonderful children: Meilyn (17) Owenn (12) and Calista (soon to be 3).

Some of our friends have also become parents.

When we go on vacation with our loved ones or when we share moments together, we always say to each other: it is wonderful to have a child.

Often, our friends say to us: what about you? Wouldn’t you like to have a child?

In fact, we are dying to!

We want to realize a lifelong dream, by becoming dads ourselves. Two Dads ready to give this child what we think is the most important thing on earth: love. Because we are convinced that it is by bringing all our love that we will manage, together, to ensure the best development and education of our future baby. It is thanks to the love of our own parents and the values they have instilled in us that we now have a stable and fulfilled life, both professionally and socially. We are therefore ready to take the plunge, to embark on this wonderful adventure, together, with our future surrogate mother, who will wish to contribute to the realization of this dream, which will one day become reality ❤️

Concerning the relationship with the surrogate mother, we would like to keep in touch with her during the pregnancy but also after the birth. Whether by text, email or video, we simply want to exchange with her. During the pregnancy, we would like to give each other regular news, both to know the evolution of the pregnancy but also to support the surrogate mother in this great adventure. We would like to keep in touch with her after the birth because we will be eternally grateful for the help she has given us.


Maxime and Johan

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