Meet Our Intended Parents

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Meet Andrei & Brenden

Location: Toronto, ON

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Six years ago, an unsuspecting 3-day trip to Toronto turned out to be an unforgettable moment in time. Training for the Chicago Marathon, we met online and established a mutual interest because of our training, which led to us having dinner, drinks, and a training run (of course). Right before my time in Toronto ended, we decided to exchange numbers to see what the future may hold for us. Needless to say, we never stopped talking to each other after those fateful 3 days. Brenden continued to work in the medical field in the US; Andrei continued to work in the financial realm in Toronto. We were a long-distance couple for an entire year!

Fast forward a couple years after meeting each other, Brenden had already moved to Toronto, and we have begun having talks about starting a family. One or two children would be ideal. How exciting it would be to have an additional companion (or two) to experience the world and its diversity! By this point, we had already traveled to several different countries and had been collecting lots of memories! We had met with our fertility clinic in Fall 2019 to start the journey. Unfortunately, things came to a screeching halt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Many things were put on the back burner due to the uncertainty of everything around us.

As we emerged from the pandemic, those seemingly forgotten thoughts forged back to the forefront… and with a vengeance! With renewed vigor, we have now created embryos and look forward to meeting an important supplement to our intended family…our wonderful future surrogate!

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CFC IP Listing Match