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Meet Nicolas & Valentin

Location: Moudon, Switzerland

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We are a fun loving couple who has been together for 5 years now, we started talking about having kids 3 years ago and for the past year we have been working to make that dream a reality. We started working with the Las Vegas Fertility Center to make embryos and are now looking for an amazing woman who is willing to be our surrogate.

We chose surrogacy as we are excited by the idea of raising children together, but as two dads, we need help to make that dream come true.

If you chose to embark on this amazing journey with us we would be so grateful. We are looking forward to getting to know our surrogate, to build memories together as we share this adventure of a lifetime. We imagine our relationship with our surrogate will be one of open honest communication that will be built on mutual respect and transparency as we support her in this journey.

We want our children to know their story and have an understanding that they were so wanted from the beginning, by us their dads, and also by the women who gave so selflessly to help us to complete our family. Our children will be raised knowing about the wonderful journey we took to become parents. We would love for our surrogate to be someone who wants to keep in touch so that we can continue sharing milestones, but we also respect that she has her own life, so we do not want to be invasive. We will be open to whatever relationship our surrogate is comfortable with.

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CFC IP Listing Match