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Meet Arnaud L

Location: London, UK

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My name is Arnaud. I am the lucky single papa of a gorgeous 3-year old boy called Marin born trough surrogacy in Canada in April 2018. There is not enough word to describe how amazing has been the first journey with our lovely Surrogate who would have loved to assist us with the sibling journey but can’t for medical reasons hence why we have now decided to embrace a new surrogacy journey with someone as special as Marin’s Surrogate. We have had the most amazing relationship with her for the past 4 years, based on transparency, very regular contacts and massive respect for each other. When I imagine the relationship with our new Surrogate, I want to achieve the same level of connection as achieved with Marin’s Surrogate, appreciating obviously that everybody is different making each journey unique. Indeed, it is very important for me that my child knows the story of her birth and value the persons involved in the process. This means that after the birth of my second child, I very much hope to remain in close contact with our Surrogate. Marin calls his Surrogate “Auntie”. We have pictures of her but also of his egg donor in his bedroom and I love that he can call them both “Auntie” when he points out to their pictures. Becoming a dad has been the best thing that happened to me and even though single parenthood brings its own challenges, my life is 1,000x better with my son in it and I can’t wait to give him a little sister. The amount of love that you have for them is insanely limitless and keeps growing every day.

I wanted to start the sibling journey earlier but with the pandemic, it did not feel right to start yet. Indeed, I am French born but have been living in London (UK) for now 21 years, and I struggled with the idea to commit to a new journey involving another continent whilst the pandemic was yet to be under control. Obviously not totally sorted yet but definitely getting better, which means that travelling should soon become easier, I believe it is now the right time to initiate the process. And Marin has been asking for a little sister as well which makes me even more ready to start. This new child will be so much loved.

I have nine good quality frozen embryos (all genetically tested) in a clinic in San Diego, the same that I used for Marin, so we are ready to go for our sibling journey. I am 44 year-old, work in Finance, gay when it comes to relationship, very family orientated with my parents being very involved grand-parents, very organised to make sure that my family goes through life as smoothly and easy as possible, so hope to find a surrogate happy enough to embark with us in a beautiful journey to expand on our family.

Kind regards

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