Meet Our Intended Parents

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Meet Andrew & Ariel

Location: Miami Florida, United States

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Hi there! We are Andrew and Ariel from Miami. Andrew is a lawyer at Spotify and Ariel is a graphic designer for the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. We love music, dancing, travel, enjoying the Florida sun and spending time with friends and family.

We have dreamed of having a baby for years and are deeply moved by your willingness to give us the most selfless, generous gift of life.

Let us tell you a little about our love story…one of a serendipitous meeting, a whirlwind romance, and a shared dream that has blossomed into a deep, enduring love.

We met nearly 10 years ago at a loud club in Tel Aviv. Ariel had grown up and lived his whole life in Israel and Andrew was visiting that week to celebrate Pride. It was Andrew’s last night of the trip with a 6am flight the next morning. With no point in going to sleep before heading to the airport, Andrew went out to one last party… Unbeknownst to either of us, that split decision changed our lives forever. Our eyes locked when we saw each other, and it was truly love at first sight. We spent the rest of the night dancing and talking until it was time for Andrew to head home to New York City. From that day forward, we Facetimed every day and visited each other a few times within the next 6 months until Ariel moved to New York to start our life together.

Just minutes into meeting at that party, Ariel proudly showed Andrew pictures of his beautiful 6-year old daughter Noam, whom he had when he was previously married to her mom. It had always been Andrew’s dream to be a father and meet someone he could build a family with, and he was excited to find out that Ariel was not only a father but also wanted to have more children one day (imagine having this entire conversation with a complete stranger while shouting over booming music!).

Noam is the most loving, sweetest person you can imagine, and from the first moment Andrew met her, she gave him a hug and they were instant friends (the Barbie doll he brought her didn’t hurt…). Now 16 years old, she is an integral part of our family. We see her about 3-4 times a year (we wish it were more!) and Facetime almost every day. We have the most fun together! She visits us every summer and for the December holidays, and we share a love for music and most importantly for Taylor Swift!

We are now ready to expand our family and to be full time dads. It’s our dream to raise children together from the moment they are born, to teach them right from wrong and to make a difference in the world. We feel this is our purpose and legacy in life.

Our hearts are full of hope as we search for someone like you who could help turn our dreams into reality. We understand that the decision to become a surrogate is profound and personal. It is a journey that requires strength, compassion, and a generous spirit. We want you to know that we admire your courage and selflessness. Your willingness to consider helping us is a testament to the beauty of the human heart.

If you choose to join us on this extraordinary journey, we promise to honor your role with the utmost respect and gratitude. We envision a partnership based on open communication, where your comfort and well-being are paramount. We are committed to being there for you, offering our support and ensuring that your needs are met with kindness and understanding.

We imagine a future where our child knows their story, one of love and hope, and the special role you played in it. We dream of a life filled with holidays, milestones, bedtime stories, and watching our child grow, learn and explore the world. We would love to share these moments with you to celebrate the life you helped us create.

We want to express our deepest appreciation for considering being part of our family’s journey. Your decision has the power to change lives and fulfill dreams. We are ready to embark on this adventure with you and hope to build a lasting bond that goes beyond the surrogacy experience.

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CFC IP Listing Match