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Meet Raj J

Location: Toronto, ON

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Who are you?

My name is Raj Jagwani.
I am an immigrant originally from Singapore. I’ve been in Canada since 2003 and became a Canadian citizen in 2014.
I’ve lived in Singapore, India, New Jersey, Winnipeg, Vancouver and now I am finally settled in Toronto for good.

What do you do for a living?

Prior to moving to Canada, I was an engineer and spent 10 years travelling around the world.
Now I work in the not for profit sector and love what I do!
I work in the HIV sector helping newcomers living with HIV navigate the system. I am responsible for the ‘HIV & Immigration’ program and the ‘Treatment Support’ Program at my work place.

What brought you to surrogacy?

I’ve always wanted children. I have a lot of love to give and I can’t imagine not giving all my unconditional love to my child. It’s important to me that my child has my dna. Hence, surrogacy.
I am the parental figure in my office that everyone comes to when they are sick and want to be babied and nurtured and I love doing it.

Do you have any children? If so, how old?

I don’t have any children yet. I’ve been trying the surrogacy process since 2011 but have not had success yet. Hopefully this time things will fall into place and I will have my child in my arms soon.
Having said that, I do have a nephew and a niece. I’ve always been very close to them and have helped take care of them.
Currently, my niece is at that stage of her life where she has to make tough choices in her education and I am there to guide her in the best direction based on her likes, needs, wants, desires and skills.

What do you like to do for fun?

To be honest, I am not the sporty, outdoors type of guy. I like watching tv, and movies. I think it’s important to laugh everyday so sitcoms and comedy movies are my favourites.
I also consider myself a foodie so I do enjoy going out to restaurants and trying different ethnic foods.
I won’t know if I like them until I try right?
In Toronto, I love going to street festivals especially in the summer. I find these festivals to be fun and a very good way to get to know my city and the people who live here.
I also like going to the beach a lot and will definitely be teaching my child to swim, build sand castles and kite flying.

What kind of relationship would you like to have with your Surrogate?

My surrogate is the person who will be giving me the gift of life.
Not only will she be giving birth to my child, but she will also be giving birth to my family and to my new life as a dad.
I definitely want to have a good, open and honest relationship with her.

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