Meet Our Intended Parents
Explore these heartfelt stories of families hoping to grow

Meet Manuel & Cliff
Location: Hamburg, Germany
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Dear surrogate mother,
Before reading through the following lines, we would like to take the opportunity to express our deepest respect for the gift you may be willing to give us. Without you our dream of a family cannot come true.
Our story actually began in 2008 when we both went out to start our tourism management studies, more or less far away from our familiar environment. There was just an unimportant ‘Hi’ when we first met, and then, two and half years: nothing. However, in the very last semester we started to exchange messages via Facebook and step by step we were getting closer. At this point, we felt insecure about being in a gay relationship – we are still laughing about the fact that Manuel smuggled Cliff into his room in the student hostel by using the back entrance. But, as you can imagine, friends are very curious and it did not take long until we were out to everybody. The final chapter of our studies was the prom where we appeared as an official couple, and we were proud of it.
After a few months we decided to tell our parents about us and fortunately this happened to be a very easy thing (from today’s point of view). These moments show you how important a good family is and that they support you in every situation. If we look back today, we are wondering about our insecurity at this time as the reaction of our relatives was just a logical consequence of how they raised us: with tolerance, respect and unconditional love.
Being comfortable and happy with our developing love the next obstacles came. Manuel started his first job at the University Hospital in Hamburg managing the needs of international patients while Cliff directly went into his master studies in international tourism management. The academic term required a semester abroad and after a year we were separated by more than 10,000 kilometers because Cliff stayed in South Africa for six months. It was a hard time for us as we were not used to not see each other for such a long time. In addition, Manuel decided to quit his job to add a master’s degree to his qualification list. Now, we both know that these moments make a relationship stronger and help to recognize how deep love can be.
Being unified again, we finally could start our life together. After having finished our studies we made Hamburg our home and started our careers in this beautiful city. A positive point about this location is that Manuel’s parents and siblings are living here which oftentimes is not a natural thing these days. We love to meet them at cozy lunches on Sundays or just for a quick coffee during the week. Furthermore, we use free weekends to visit Cliff’s family as many times as possible.
In the following years we enjoyed our lives and traveled throughout Germany and Europe. Our favorite destination is France which probably is not a surprise due to Manuel’s French origins (his mother is French). At least once a year we jump into the car and enjoy the French cuisine Manuel’s aunt is cooking for us. After a few days with Manuel’s family we continue our journey to Ploubazlanec, a little beautiful village in Brittany (West Coast in France). Here we can relax due to the calmness (smartphones are off) and celebrate our common hobby: cooking. Sometimes we have spent some time with the whole family at this remote place going by boat, visiting old friends and going fishing. This has become like a ritual for us. Accordingly, it was not a surprise that Manuel made the marriage proposal to Cliff at this place.
In summer 2016 we got married in Ploubazlanec (France). It was a very special moment for us, especially because our entire German family (including Cliff’s grandmother) took the very long way to be with us. Having all important people on this, for us, meaningful location made us proud.
Quite early it was clear to us that we want to complete our family with a child. In our point of view, this is the logical consequence of the love of two people. After an extensive research we both easily made the decision in favor of Canada as we think that this is the most respectful way to have a child with a biological link.
Finally, we are writing you this letter hoping that you get an impression of us and our lives. We are conscious about the incomparable gift you may give us and we want you to have a good feeling to do so. We assure you that we will love our child and give him or her all that is needed to make him or her a respectful, honest and independent person. He or she will have a big, caring family like we had in our childhood.
All the best wishes from Germany
Cliff & Manuel

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