Meet Our Intended Parents
Explore these heartfelt stories of families hoping to grow

Meet Bavna & Neil
Location: Kitchener, ON
About us where do we begin….
Neil and I, we met in 2009 and have been together since. We were mature when we met so we knew what we wanted out of life and had established careers. By 2012 we were engaged with the most beautiful and enchanting proposal one could imagine. A story I must tell you in person!!! You definitely want to hear this one… In 2013 we got married. We had a destination wedding in Mexico with our close family and friends and celebrated for an entire week. It was perfect.
Both of us grew up with siblings. My two sisters have two children each and I adore all four of them. I have always been a part of raising them and although they are in completely different age groups, I thoroughly enjoy each one’s company. They are adorable, bright, loving children raised by our family as a group, with everyone participating and being there for them, whenever they needed us. Neil has a brother who has three lovely children, and he is always there for them, teaching them, celebrating with them, and encouraging them up whenever they need him. We love all our nieces and nephews and value our time with them!
We love hiking and exploring nature. The beauty around us is immense we just need to take the time to ensure we take it all in.
We also love travelling. We have been fortunate and have travelled through North American, Europe, Asia and Africa. One of our favorite trips was a safari tour in South Africa!
To strengthen where we stand today, we have done marriage retreats and family counselling. We have strong supportive groups of diverse friends. We also are lucky to have a large supportive family and extended family. We have so much to offer our future children – love, support, family values, societal values, morals, education, etc.; together we know we will raise fabulous kids. Life has taught us so much and we have so much to share.
To strengthen where we stand today, we have done marriage retreats and family counselling. We have strong supportive groups of diverse friends. We also are lucky to have a large supportive family and extended family. We have so much to offer our future children – love, support, family values, societal values, morals, education, etc.; together we know we will raise fabulous kids. Life has taught us so much and we have so much to share.
Annually we donate our time and food, clothing/living supplies to orphanages, old age homes, women’s shelters. We have taken my older nephews with us, so they learn the value of that which they have in life, and the importance of caring for others.
Neil is an insurance broker and works with primarily large biomedical companies. I am an orthodontist and treat children all day. I love working with them, they brighten up my days. The conversations are intriguing, and I have certainly learnt to be patient and understanding. I have also lectured at the University of Toronto and Western University and have served my professional as President of the Toronto East and Oxford societies. At my office I have a wonderful group of 9 staff members who work hard to provide individualized service to our patients. These ladies are absolutely fabulous women, who are also mothers, and who have taught me so much about work/life balance.
Neil and I love each other’s company and spend together. We love dancing, reading and working out. We have taken Salsa lessons and they are so much fun!! I enjoy cooking different cuisines and we try to live healthy but balanced lifestyles.
We have worked hard in our lives to take care of our aging parents and to create a loving environment around us. However, our journey to having children has been the toughest of all. We tried to have children naturally for a few years but were unsuccessful. Then we went on to try IUI’s. As time went on, I went through IVF’s, made healthy embryos but was unable to carry the fetus’ to term. After repeatedly trying, I recently learnt that I have a condition that will not allow me to carry to full term. We understand that we need help 😊
We have done our due diligence and after a few more consults and discussions with different IVF clinics, we met Dr. Librach at Create. He is wonderful and very experienced. Working with him we decided to use an egg donor and create more embryos. We are trying something different. His experience gives him the confidence to believe that these younger eggs from our fabulous donor are the way to go. He is so confident that he has signed us up for the guaranteed package. We now have multiple PGS tested healthy donor embryos. We are so excited to proceed with a fresh journey and a new mindset.
We are now eagerly looking for someone to help us achieve the missing piece to our family puzzle. We know we are at the point in life where together we will be wonderful parents. We have experienced so much in life and learnt a great deal from it. We have a lot to offer both our fabulous surrogate, with our love and support in all the forms she desires and tells us she needs, and also our future child. We are so ready to take these steps. Please pick us and be our miracle angel…. Dr. Librach is confident and to make things even better – these are young donor egg, PGS tested, healthy embryos….
We hope we will meet someone wonderful, as she offers the kindness in her heart to help us achieve our dreams. This means so much to us and we would be forever grateful…. Please pick us…. We hope we’ve given you a bit of a glimpse into our lives!
Sincerest thank you.

Interested in Matching with Bavna & Neil?
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