Meet Our Intended Parents
Explore these heartfelt stories of families hoping to grow

Meet Pierre & Max
Location: France
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We are Pierre and Max. We have been a couple for nine years with the hope to make our dream to be fathers come true. We took time for thinking about this decision and be able to start an ethical and transparent journey.
This is the project of our lives we give priority to. From a secret desire, we have now to convince the right persons who will carry our dream. We wish the surrogate mother and the donor to be known by our child.
I’m 37. My mother is 75 and my father is 76. I visit them once a week. I have one older brother who is 42. During my childhood my mother stayed home to look after me and my brother. Then when I left home for my studies, she resumed working as a social worker for homeless people. She considered her role as a mother as the most important thing to do. But she also left us a great autonomy as she did not want to interfere in our lives. My father was hardworking. He worked as a technician until his mid-fifties, and then run a business in the car industry until recently. My older brother has a wife and two kids, who are 8 and 6. We meet from time to time, especially for family events.
I grew up in Paris suburb in a melting pot city. My current friends are the ones I had in primary school. I find it difficult to open my friendship zone, but when it is done I like to think it is strong and long. I need to trust people who enter it. My friends are now parents and it is a pleasure to see their families, when they bring their children at our grown-up parties.
I studied accounting and worked in Africa during two years. It helped me to get interest in other languages, cultures, values and ways of life. After Africa I decided to stay in France for my coming out. I wanted to do this with my family and my friends around, in a country where it is well accepted. It was a big step to move on in my life.
I work for the French public railroad company. I like it because it provides an ecological, useful and universal service. It fits my values among which ecology and sharing. I could work for private sector, but it is more rewarding to feel useful for others.
I am patient, hardworking and goal-oriented. My other values are ethics, open-mindness and respect. I never thought to perform surrogacy but in the US or in Canada, where all parties are willing to do it under good conditions and in total transparency. For instance countries like India was a no way from the start because of the conditions under which it is done.
I do not want to be ashamed of what I did. This is an amazing gift which is done by the donor, the surrogate and their families. I am aware that it requires support, understanding and love around. So I need to be trusted by and to trust them.
My hobbies :
– hike a few days in French Alps. I can hike by myself and enjoy the silence and the beautiful scenery. I am not an athlete but I feel rewarded when achieving a goal by striving to make it true.
– read classic books (mainly 19th and early 20th century). One of my favorite books is the “The Tartar Steppe” by Dino Buzzati. I also liked a lot the following books : Vanity fair, Monte Cristo, Pride and Prejudice, Lord of the flies, Lord of the ring, Jules Vernes’ books, Agatha Christie’s books,… I started the list of 1000 books to read before you die. I am stuck at 100 books…
– I am not a music listener, however I like to dance during family parties.
– TV : Game of Thrones, Westworld, Killing Eve, Modern Family, Big Bang Theory
– Cinema : Matrix, Titanic, Amélie, Inception
– Travel with M. in France and Europe using youth hostels (last time it was in 2013…), camping, couchsurfing and AirBnB.
My favorite :
– food is Korean,
– color is Blue,
– season is Summer,
– holyday is Summer holiday,
– sport is Running,
– school subject is History.
Max :
I am 41. My mother is about 67 and my father is 66. She worked as a court clerk and my father as a truck driver. When I was a kid it was always a great pleasure to go on holidays spending a day in my father’s truck or to the court. That must be the main reason why I chose my job.
I am the second child from a 3-children family and I have got two sisters, one older (45) and one younger (32). They are married and I am the happiest uncle of three nieces and one nephew. On my older sister’s side, two gentle and already young women are about 20 and 17 years old. The first one is currently studying to become a medicine doctor and the other one is still wondering what she will do, but she is young and has plenty of time to think of it. On my little sister’s side, there is a big boy who is already nine years and a little princess about six years. I’m used to going and seeing them all once or twice a month.
I grew up in a country village near Amiens, a town about 100 km away from Paris. I played soccer, tennis, and did karate during several years. I used to be a shy boy and even if I had friends, I really only kept one from my childhood, but don’t worry, I made lot of good friends since then.
I am a “Gendarme”, it’s like a policeman but with military function too. It’s like the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. This job used to make me travel a bit across the world (French Guyana, New Caledonia, Kosovo, …) and I learnt many things about life in collectivity. Then for 13 years, I have been working as a chemical expert in a Criminal research Institute for the “Gendarmerie” in Paris suburb.
I studied chemistry and biochemistry. I always wanted to become a Gendarme and a scientist too (just like CSI). I have learnt a lot and this job offers me the satisfaction of helping victims and/or families in case of disasters like earth quake, airplane crashes, …
As I already said, I am a shy guy, even if I always speak a lot. I cannot say that I am really patient with other people (except children), but I do my best every day to become that kind of person. My values are respect, mutual help, justice, friendship, curiosity, hard work and trying to be positive every day. And above all, I agree with P. about ethics and the way we want to build our family.
My hobbies :
– helping is one of my goals in life, that must be another reason for the choices I have made during my life. I am also a volunteer in the French Red Cross organisation and I am the president of a local unit. I am also a rescuer and a rescuing teacher. Helping people makes sense to me.
– I do some touristic rallies with friends I met few years ago. It enables me to visit France by driving on its wonderful roads, meeting people and spending good time with them in historical areas and typical restaurants.
– Travelling with P. around France and Europe is one of my favorite hobbies, discovering new places with the one you love is wonderful.
– Reading is not my favourite hobby, except detective stories or things like that (maybe because of my job, who knows…). I prefer music !!! I have got a little talent, I am able to learn quite easily a song and as many people say, I’m a great singer.
– I watch everything on tv or in cinema except scary movies I cannot bear. My favourites films are super heroes movies or Disney’s ones (I am still a little boy sometimes, and that is a thing I hope I will do with our child)
– I also like cooking even if I am not the best cook in France, I always try to do my best with not always good results…
My favorite :
– food is Korean or Japanese,
– color is Blue (just like P., maybe also because of the uniform I’m wearing everyday),
– season is Summer,
– holyday is Summer holiday and all the great moments spent with P. and/or family and friends,
– sport, that is a good question, may TV be a good answer???
– school subject as you may have understood was Chemistry, Physics and Biology.
Our biography :
The two of us met nine years ago on a dating network. The advantage is that we have different and complementary backgrounds. It was roughly the start of our coming out phase, which was accelerated because we had someone to present to our respective families and friends. We live in a city called Pontoise close to “Gendarmerie” buildings. It is 45 minutes away from Paris. The house is provided by the French administration because M.’s job requires being available on some week-ends or nights.
We work quite a lot as we are dedicated to our job, waiting for another reason to be dedicated to… On week-ends, either we meet our friends at each other places to discuss and sometimes play board games or we visit our family. We have also two cats.
As future fathers we want our kid to be happy, learn and develop his/her mind and personality. We will take care of him/her from baby to adulthood, from milk feeding to adult advising (maybe to grand-baby sitting). We also want to transmit values of respect, caring and family. Together we are convinced that we will be good fathers. So do you want to be part of this incredible dream ?

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