I had bought tickets to the Birth Without fear (http://birthwithoutfearblog.com/about-bwf/) meet up on a whim one day, as I love what BWF stands for and I just wanted to be a part of the movement in one way or another.
As the date approached closer and closer I still hadn’t planned on how I was going to get to Chicago or if it was even worth it to take the time, money and energy to travel that far with a 6 month old. Finally I decided that YES I needed to go and see what it was all about and hopefully have some fun in Chicago as well.
BWF definitely did not disappoint! Upon arrival I was greeted by beautiful women and handed a baby hawk carrier that had BIRTH WITHOUT FEAR in giant letters across it! The room was filled with strollers, carriers, and tons of positive energy.
Ashley from Fourth Trimester Bodies spoke and had both my friend and I in tears. Her project and story is beyond amazing. And definitely had me wanting to book a session to be proud of my body that I have gained thru the birth of my babies and surrogate baby. (http://4thtrimesterbodies.com/) The images she takes are so moving and truly honor and embrace our bodies that we have gained as moms. It’s something I hope to now take apart of and highly suggest other mamas look into it as well.
The rest of the day was spent listening to birth stories, meeting other mamas and even sharing my own birth stories. And we even got to hear all of January’s birth stories (the founder of BWF).
One of my favorite moments was the “Harmony circle”. We at CFC like to call it a Blessing way. I was so egger to attend this circle as I was hoping to leave with lots of ideas for our circles at our retreats. And it didn’t disappoint! We were given a tray full of sand to write a fear into and were then invited to share this fear with the circle of women. I wrote “not enough”. I think as a mom, I always fear I won’t be enough. In the circle the women were raw and honest. Listening in and accepting my fears. Told me I was enough, and helped me to release those fears. So as the lady next to me erased my word from the sand, I chose to believe I am enough. I am a strong mom, who is more than enough for my children. I really can’t wait to add some new things to our circle for our surrogates now. It was a beautiful and emotional time. And truly amazing to share so much with complete strangers. It was freeing and soul renewing.
I am so glad that I chose to jump in with both feet and take a big drink of the BWF movement! They are truly impacting women and helping to empower a generation of women who are ready to take back their births and be a part of a tribe of sisterhood. At CFC we are blessed to have a tribe of sisters. I can’t wait to share all of this with them.
“The only thing you take with you when you’re gone is what you leave behind.” – JOHN ALLSTON
Angie Campeau
Surrogacy Support Worker
Canadian Fertility Consulting