This journey is moving along wonderfully for Simon and Jérôme on their second week after being matched! They have signed their legal agreements with their surrogate and are now ready to transfer!
“This week and after several exchanges between our lawyers since mid-August, we signed the legal agreement with our surrogate.We are so eager to move on to the next step and the first transfer at the end of October!”
“Cette semaine et après plusieurs échanges entre nos avocates depuis mi-août, nous avons signés le contrat avec notre mère porteuse. Nous sommes tellement impatients de passer à la prochaine étape, c’est à dire le 1er transfert à la fin du mois d’octobre !”
On their third week post match, it was celebration time for Simon & Jérôme as they tied the knot in preparation for their future baby! How exciting of a time this must be for them, now being married and eagerly anticipating a little one!
“Il y a tout juste 1 mois, nous nous sommes mariés afin de faciliter l’arrivée de notre futur bébé sur le sol français et pour poser les fondations de notre future famille.”
“Just a month ago, we were married to facilitate the arrival of our future baby in France and to put the foundations of our future family.”
Congratulations, Simon & Jérôme! We are all wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness!
It’s now Simon and Jérôme’s fourth week being matched! They are eagerly awaiting transfer day and are now completing their pre-transfer steps, such as book travel and tracking their surrogates cycle.
“Nous sommes prêts et impatients de faire le grand saut du 1er transfert ! Nous attendons la confirmation du début du cycle de notre surrogate cette semaine et avons tout préparer pour son voyage à Toronto dans 2 semaines!”
“We are ready and eager to make the big jump of the 1st transfer! We are waiting for the confirmation our surrogate’s cycle beginning this week and have everything ready for her trip to Toronto in 2 weeks!”
Simon & Jérôme, we at CFC are sending you all the “sticky vibes” for your upcoming transfer!