CFC’s Angie makes Surrogacy Sacred

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Sacred Doula training

Sacred Doula training

In pregnancy so often- birth is truly just about the end result. A healthy and happy baby. One that you can take home and cuddle and it doesn’t “matter” how that baby came to be; C-section, episiotomy, pain medication, natural birth. It just doesn’t seem to matter.

But what if your goal for pregnancy isn’t a baby to take home. What if your goal is a happy and healthy baby for someone else thru surrogacy?

Often times you’ll hear people say in the Surrogacy world, “This birth isn’t about me”. But that’s where I think you have it all wrong! Whether that baby is yours to keep or was just a miracle you grew for someone else- the birth story is still yours to keep. You will keep that birth story on your heart for the rest of your life. Cherishing it and remembering the day you got to see those overjoyed faces of the parents who were patiently waiting for their miracle that you helped to create. That story will be yours forever to share and cherish.

It is so important to take charge of your birth and pregnancy making it a Sacred Space, one where your space is honored and respected while involving those overjoyed parents along the way.

In a few short days I will be attending Sacred Pregnancy and Sacred Doula training where I will learn more tools and tips on how I can help our surrogates to do just this. Creating their dream births and being able to walk away from Surrogacy with their head held high knowing they did such an amazing thing and were truly honored rightfully in this journey.

I believe that pregnancy in itself is a sacred journey, not just the birth part. And its so important that we recognize that as true. When a woman can do this, she is no longer just a body or vessel for birthing a baby. She is a woman on a personal mission.

I can’t wait to bring these new tools back to share with our girls at CFC. Creating Sacred Spaces and Sisterhood is my passion! I am truly blessed to be surrounded by a large group of women who are taking back their pregnancy and births and creating something so sacred.

Angie Campeau

Angie Campeau

Surrogacy Support WorkerCanadian Fertility Consulting