Our Surrogacy blogger Heather

CFC MarketingSurrogacy in Canada, Surrogacy Stories

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Surrogacy in Canada




This week, our Surrogacy Blogger Heather posts about her transfer experience.

I could barely sleep. Did I have everything? Was I completely ready? The day had finally arrived. Transfer day!
I woke up early to an exciting surprise message- my amazing friend and surrogacy support worker would be coming with me to Toronto for my transfer. I knew this was a good sign that the day would go super well. I got my kids ready for school, dropped them off, got breakfast and a coffee and then we were off to drive to the fertility clinic.

I couldn’t have asked for a better transfer time. 12 pm meant I didn’t have to battle with rush hour traffic either way and got to drop off and pick up my kids, no need for my mom to come help out- bonus! I haven’t always been so lucky with appointments at the clinic so that worked out really well. After sailing the open highway and arriving in the parking garage the first hilarious incident of the day happened (yes there were a few), I decided my big SUV would DEFINITELY fit in an itty bitty spot in an underground parking garage. As I angled and backed up and angled and backed up a car pulled up that I thought was trying to get by. WHY WERE THEY PUTTING PRESSURE ON ME TO BACK UP FASTER, COULDN’T THEY SEE THE STRESS THEY WERE CAUSING *crunch* oops I hit my mirror. I looked up- sure enough it was my Intended Parents in the car, waiting patiently- not rushing me at all. Once I was finally parked and crawled like an idiot out of the passenger side of the car, we went upstairs and bought 1.5 litres of water (I needed a full bladder to help with the ultrasound), and then we went to check into the clinic.

Again, the day couldn’t have gone better, they were running on time, the doctor I absolutely adore who did my last successful transfer was there to do the transfer and the dads were both there and so excited (and maybe a little nervous).

Once I got changed and put my gown on, I managed to sneak in a quick massage in the waiting room (they have fabulous massage chairs!) and then it was time!

Great news! There were LOTS of embryos to choose from and in fact they each were able to transfer 1 10/10 quality embryo. This meant the odds of success and TWINS was good. One of the dads is a resident radiologist so he was able to explain everything we were seeing on the screen where they use ultrasound to guide a small catheter containing the embryos.

We got to see both of their transferred embryos on the screen, (they were pretty cute!). And then before we knew it the procedure was done. And I just had to wait a few minutes while the urge to pee consumed every thought I had.

After the procedure we went for lunch at a fun breakfast place by the clinic and then we went our separate ways. I was left with instructions to continue taking my medications and to go for a blood test on November 10th… but I’m hoping I get a positive result sooner with a home pregnancy test! Stay tuned.

For further information on Surrogacy, either working with one, or becoming one, please contact us as soon as possible for more information.

CFC’s staff can be reached by email at info@fertilityconsultants.ca OR, by phone at 613 439 8701

Canadian Fertility Consulting
Canadian Fertility Consultants Surrogacy