CFC wants to hear from Intended parents, and Surrogate Mothers

CFC MarketingSurrogacy in Canada

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Whether you’ve just signed up with CFC, or are already experiencing the joys of pregnancy, or caring for a newborn, CFC wants you to share your experiences. What better way is there for others to learn from you, an intended parent Or Surrogate mother. Many newcomers to CFCs family, have questions, that can only be answered by those who have gone through the experience themselves.

surrogacy blogging

  We would love for you to share your Surrogacy journey with our many readers.  In the past, some intended parents have written about the matching process, or the birth, while others have offered advice for newcomers, on how to find a Surrogate mother.

We have had surrogates blog throughout their journeys, or simply share a photo journal from the milestone moments that they have shared with their intended parents.  Many new surrogates, and intended parents have shared with us how informative, entertaining, and educational these posts have been.  We LOVE the feedback, and thank you in advance for your contribution.

Submitting Blog Posts- Please email your blog post to and in the subject line type, “Blog Submission.” Blogs can run from 300-700 words, and can include photos.  Your post will then be uploaded to the Canadian Fertility Consultants Blog within a week of submission.

CFC also has a Youtube channel, and has in the past had videoblogs posted.  If you prefer to post a vblog, we would LOVE to share it on our Youtube channel, which is also visited by many interested in the Surrogacy process.

We look forward to hearing from you, and can’t wait for you to share your journey with the rest of the CFC family, and hope that you enjoy reading other submissions as well.

For further information on blogging opportunities, please contact us at our office 613 439 8701 or by emailing us at